So many books, so little time...

So many books, so little time...

Monday, 14 June 2010

Oh, dear...

Three weeks have passed, and I have still not read Men at Arms. That's not to say that I've been breaking the rules - I'm reading all new books! I must confess, though, to getting rather sidetracked... Firstly, by Bill Bryson's "Shakespeare" (educational and entertaining!) and secondly by Nick Hornby's "Juliet, Naked", a delight of a book that I'm thoroughly enjoying. My good friends Ben and Kate recommended it to me; they thought I might enjoy it, and they're absolutely right. It rather suits my mood.

In my current frame of mind, I'm longing to re-read Twilight. So, I am distracting myself with a film called "500 Days of Summer" and truffles. Not quite the same, but the synopsis is promising and the chocolates magnificent.

P'raps by the end of the week, I'll have finished Bryson and Hornby and be ready to crack on with Waugh?

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